The classroom of the day
I sit and wait
They'll be here in fifteen or so
The lesson plan is ready to go
My name is on the board
I'll be introducing myself for the first time
For the fiftieth first time
On rotation
Silent reading, computer lab, the story of the day
I'm the teacher of the day
In the classroom for today
"I'm sorry, I cannot stay.
I like to live my life this way."
The Practice
Daily Meditation:
Morning - 20 minutes
Evening - 20 minutes
Yoga - 2x week
For the past week, I've been meditating with my eyes closed. They sort of began closing by themselves. I'm going with it. I'm dropping into my body more.
"Go to the neutral places," Peter Brown kept repeating in his last Satsang. Don't mind the chatter, he says. Look at things with no charge. Look at things with no meaning. Look at things that you would otherwise dismiss. The sky, the wall, the glass of water, the carpet, the banana peel, the tree...
I heard him say that many times before, but it's not until this week that I finally began to consistently look at things with no story for a prolong period of time. I stared at walls and ceilings. I listened to outside sounds while looking at things. I gave the mind chatter no significance. What I found was that the "voice in the head," as Ekchart Tolle likes to call it still wants to dominate. The good news is that it's louder now, which means that I can hear it instead of being it.
I'm bringing curiosity into unfamiliar territories. My heart began to flutter just now. What is that strange sensation? It stopped.
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