Two hundred and sixty-five more days to go. To go where? Breathing won't stop after two hundred and sixty-five days...I hope. I feel like I created this project for my own amusement. For who else's amusement would it be? Now that I think about it, I do everything for my own entertainment (even the things that I don't like). We do the things that we don't like so that we can enjoy the things that we do like. If we liked everything we did, then we wouldn't know it. We create these polarities only to know how each one feels. I don't like going shopping, but after having gone and gotten what I needed, I like the feeling of not having to go shopping anymore. Then, do I really not like going shopping? There is no true like or dislike. There's only the extent to which we want to experience any one thing.
The Practice
Thursday - 20 minute meditation
Friday - 30 minute meditation and an hour in a half yoga
Saturday - 20 minute meditation
Thoughts are blatantly loud on serene walks. They follow behind like dogs without leashes. As long as you don't try to keep them on leash, they will sniff around attempting to find the thief, then move on to the next thing; but try showing them the thief and they will come too late. It's fine to pretend like you're holding on to the leash whenever the humane society is nearby, but other than that, let them run free... they won't bite.
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