Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 80

In relation to another, I can see where I still need to deepen. I can see where I still need to heal. It's easy to miss when you're alone, but as soon as someone else enters the picture, the wounds pop up like firecrackers. "Here, look at me! Did you forget about me?" And losing the ability to repress doesn't help. Here's the miraculous thing though - firecrackers explode and then they're gone. When I don't turn away, they don't continue popping. They simply make their grand entrance and with a crack, crack, crack, disappear.  

The Practice

Saturday Evening - 30 minute meditation


I missed a day of meditation; on purpose, I might add. The ground shook. The light flickered. But I survived. My body wanted to sit still. And when I did, my mind didn't want to sit still. Interestingly enough, with the body being still, the mind followed. It wants to settle. It wants to take a break from all the chatter. I actually felt my mind thanking me for giving it rest.

On my way to the Zen Center to sit some more...

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