Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 54

We can see what IS when we stop looking to our mind to tell us what is true.  - Adyashanti

Today, during the staff meeting at Eagle Rock High School where I sub most often, I found myself in another timeless reality. It was as if I was a ghost watching how the other side lives; yet, I was on the same side. There was no judgment or analysis of what I was observing. It was simple observation without the mental commentary.

The teachers were giving presentations on their subject and how to improve upon it; whilst, I had a distinct feeling that everything was already part of the flawless design.

The subs were allowed to leave at 3:12 pm on the dot. I didn't see anybody move and usually, I would've waited for another person to go first as to not bring attention to myself, but that thought did not even cross my mind, I got up and left.

The Practice

Morning meditation - 15 minutes
Evening meditation - 15 minutes


I've been getting over a cold these past couple of days and sitting in a specific position has been slightly more challenging. However, being grounded in my body has not been difficult. It's as if the illness has grabbed me by the collar and shouted in my ear, "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" How else can the body that needs rest get attention from the mind?

And I thought I was doing pretty good with the yoga, meditation, and drinking tea all the time. It just shows you that what actually IS has nothing to do with how the mind thinks it should be. Life does its thing regardless, and we can have all sorts of ideas about how our bodies should be run, but the fact remains that they run themselves.

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