Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 72

I rather enjoyed being a part of a family argument today. It was like I wasn't even there. Before I would try and pretend that I'm not there, but I find that I don't have to pretend anything. Arguments are  vibrational frequencies that are here one moment and gone the next. I watched as this hot energy ball was being tossed around between my mother, my father, and my sister, but nothing at all was out of bounce. It couldn't have been any other way. The scene played out perfectly. My mother reacted in the only way she could. My father retorted the way my father does. My sister counteracted the reactions that were presented to her. Meanwhile, nothing at all was amiss. Nothing at all was out of tune. And I was there too. I too played my part. But the witness was also there. Not just in me, but in all of us - the one witness who is both the reactor and the reactee, the watcher and the watched, the human and the being.

The Practice

Thursday morning - 15 minute meditation
Thursday evening - 40 minute meditation and Dharma talk @ Insight LA
Friday morning - 15 minute meditation
Friday evening - Relational Mindfulness class
Saturday morning - 30 minute meditation and 1 hour Yoga at the park


I'm drawn to be outside more and more. I crave it. I'm being called to merge with the grass, the sand, and the sky. Doing yoga outside this morning was immeasurably sweet. It didn't matter if my body didn't exactly bend like a pretzel because whatever it was doing was just enough.

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