Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 27

As I was going to bed last night, I was having all these realizations that I could not put into words. It was an inner knowing of everything being exactly where it should be and Life moving me in the only possible direction that I could be going at this point in time.

In moments of doubt, I worry that I should already know where I'm going and where my career path lies. And that I should pick something stable and stick to it. But what does that even mean? Many people pick a stable job and end up losing it or getting fired or leaving or work in the same field for many years and then wonder what it was all for.  I'm realizing that we never know where we're going even when we think we do.

I find that watching my day progress, especially so-called stressful ones, is like watching a movie, I'm curious about what's going to happen next, but I know that it's just a movie so I don't get totally lost in it.

The Practice

5:50 AM meditation - 10 minutes
Yoga after work - 30 minutes
Evening meditation - 30 minutes


Even sitting for ten minutes in the morning helps settle the mind. Many expert meditators might say that I should get up earlier and sit longer, but really - you could be sitting for hours and be present for only 10 minutes of it or you could sit for 10 minutes and be present for the entire time. Time is irrelevant in the overall scheme of things, then why would it be any different in meditation.

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